The new solar powered meters take the traditional change, as well as debit, credit, Des Moines SmartCards and blood oaths. Kidding about the last one.
The SmartCard is as new to Des Moines as the Smart Meter, so if you're a bit confused about how the new system works don't fret (it furrowed our brows too). We did a bit of research and here's what we came up with:
- The SmartCard can be purchased from vending machines at 3rd and Court Parking Garage office, 9th and Locust Parking Garage office and the City Hall lobby, located at 400 Robert D. Ray Drive.
- If you used the card to pay for parking, reinsert the card when you hover off, and it will refund you for the time you did not use.
- All meters adorned with a yellow SmartCard sticker will take the SmartCard (note this is not all Des Moines meters).
- The new meters are enforced between 8 am and 6 pm Monday through Friday — just like the old meters.