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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tax Free Weekend Shopping

The Summer milestones are marching by.   Somewhere between the 4th of July and the State Fair parade is an often overlooked tradition - and though we're not sending out any Hallmark cards, we're always happy to see the annual Iowa sales tax holiday roll around. 

Friday August 2nd and Saturday August 3rd, there will be no tax charged on sales of most clothing and shoes statewide. This incentive (now in it's 14th year) was initiated to keep those back to school dollars from going to neighboring states like Minnesota that do not tax clothing.  Boring fact perhaps, but saving money is fun.

Basically, exempt from taxes are clothing items under $100. (everything at Vitae:)  from hats to socks. This does not include non-apparel items like purses and jewelry, but you can snatch those up with the dollars you'll be saving on the essentials (dresses, t shirts and the like). 

For a complete breakdown of what is taxable/exempt, visit this helpful page  and don't forget the chips (for the big sales tax holiday BarBQ)! 



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